Give thanks for the opportunities to give testimonies and for the seeds sown at IAY.
Give thanks for the friendship at Chuo Church, yet we will move to another church soon.
Give thanks that Juliana received certification in Pastel Nagomi Art.
Give thanks for the warm welcome from various Japanese churches and fellow missionaries during the Center Visit. Give thanks that we were safe during the trip. Also, give thanks that we managed to share our testimonies and to pray in Japanese at two churches.
Pray for Momoco (i.e. KS-san) and her two kids. Pray that God continues to work in their hearts and they will fully understand the love and death of Christ.
Pray for the Japanese Christians to be bold in sharing their faith and testimonies.
Pray to the Lord to raise up more pastors.
PLEASE pray for the 40-50 neighbours who heard the Gospel. May God make the sown seeds grow according to His will.
Pray that God will use our testimonies to encourage others.
Pray for our training designation and see where God is leading us after graduation. The leadership has a potential church in mind, but no decision has been made yet.
Pray for our aging mothers (Ching - 92; Hui - 88). Also, the physical and spiritual health of our daughters (Joelle & Janelle).