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- Reconnecting with local contacts and friends we missed during Home assignment.
- Our oldest son has made a successful transition into High School.
- God provided the finances and prayer support we needed before returning to East Asia.
- Praise the Lord. Our youngest son, Timothy has got baptised.
Last time V & A requested us to pray for them that God will open the door to enter to the North again. This chance has eliminated. Since the North sent message to those Americans who don’t have their descent, are no longer welcome to come inside. This was quite shocking to them and devastating for them. They turned to prayer, and they truly received God’s peace. Now they are still exploring different opportunities for the future.
- Pray for each person in our family to draw closer to God in intimacy with him.
- Pray for wisdom and discernment as we explore new opportunities.
- Pray for God’s kingdom, his reign, his good news, to spread through people’s lives in the North, in the South, and among the people in Japan.
- Pray for a missions training and support conference that V is helping to lead in October. Pray for a fruitful time and encouragement for all who are attending the conference.
- Pray for all of us as friends are moving away - goodbyes are hard.
As of September, 2024