Due to limited spots (8 available), this program is open first for BAC congregants, for those who would like to learn this sport and use it to reach out to the community. Runs every Monday from 9:30am to 12:30pm, starting Nov 12th till December in the Annex. Interested participants should email Steve Chien (bacpickleballoutreach@gmail.com).
1. 入門課程:由於名額有限 (僅 8 個) ,將優先開放給本宣家會聚報名。透過此訓練裝備球技和佈道心,藉此開展 Pickleball 社區事工,讓人「以球會神」!課程將從 11 月 12 日開始到 12 月,每週一上午9:30至下午12:30在附堂禮堂舉行。如欲報名,請電郵Steve Chien 弟兄 (bacpickleballoutreach@gmail.com)。
Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm-9:30pm in Annex Gym. Open for everyone and all skill levels, first come first serve, bring your own rackets. For more information email Andy Xing (Andyxxq@hotmail.com) or Jianlong Guo (Mariaxj166@gmail.com).
自由練習:現逢週三晚上 7:30 至 9:30 在附堂禮堂開放練習。歡迎任何背景、技術水平的人士參加,請自備球拍。詳情請聯繫 Andy Xing (Andyxxq@hotmail.com) 或 Jianlong Guo (Mariaxj166@gmail.com)。