October 2024
Loran Tang, recruiter and training coordinator of Children Ministry 

Sow the seeds for our future

One of my roles at BAC is to train and equip brothers and sisters to teach kids God’s word. Undoubtedly, this holy task sounds very intimidating, and I agree that we can’t do a proper job without training.

Back to May this year, I provided three training workshops for four young members, Galen Yau, Eunice Wong, Amy Fung and Yannie, as part of the training provided to our summer interns.

At the first workshop, I introduced them to powerful resources from articles, podcasts, websites to organizations, apps and books, etc that can support a teacher in their teaching preparation and personal spiritual growth. After the workshop, the four students were given an assignment - to prepare a 20-minute lesson and to demonstrate it at the second workshop!

Second workshop was about all essential and creative methods to engage our kids when we teach. However, the most excellent and fun part was the students’ teaching demo. (you can check it out in the video clip I attached in the blog)

All of them made use of the resources I provided to prepare their lessons and demonstrated creative and fun lessons to me. They had so much fun in delivering their first bible lesson!

After the demo, we had a zoom meeting for evaluation and critique. I provided them a full analysis of their strengths and the areas they needed to work on. They all did a self-evaluation and a constructive critique for others’ lessons. Our knowledge won’t be complete and our skills won’t be improved if we don’t put the theories into practice. I believe they learned the most through the demonstration and the critique.

As our last step, we wrapped up this concise training session in the third workshop, which covered lesson structure - the content structure, length of time, theme setting, and how we should select and weave the components into a message that the little ones can understand.

The concise training is meant to be a springboard for inexperienced members to start their first step in the teaching journey. To learn and to teach God’s word is indeed a lifetime journey.

Since I facilitated the first training session last year, we now have Candy Lai, Mark Yip, Kathy Liew and Yannie to join the teaching teams while some of other members join the ministry as helpers so that they can observe teaching for a longer while.

If you are interested in teaching kids but feel unsure and inadequate, why don’t you join the workshops and taste the fun first? You can contact me and start a conversation anytime: loran.tang@bacfamily.org.

The training format is basically: 3 workshops + demo (within workshop time) + a zoom meeting. This small group setting (max is 5 people) has proved to be most effective and dynamic for fun learning. We can start another session of training once we have 4 to 5 people sign up! Don’t wait any longer. Get equipped and join the team to fight for a brighter future.


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