The Church Planting Committee had launched its first meeting last week. The committee is composed of both elder and member representatives from all three congregations. During the first meeting, we had a chance to get to know each other, and share about our thoughts and suggestions on church planting ministry. More importantly, the purpose of the meeting was to let the committee members understand the reason for church planting, and the goal and direction we are striving for.
Over a decade ago, the previous elder board had discussed about the church’s future development with church planting seen as one of the ways to expand God’s kingdom. Now it is time for us to discern the right timing, and location of our church plant. Church planting ministry was always an item on our prayer list during the past joint congregational prayer meetings; annual membership meetings, and the various individual prayer meetings because we know that church planting is the work of God, not the work of BAC. BAC is just following God’s will to develop and expand His kingdom. Seeking and praying is the most important foundation while we wait upon God’s guidance. When we have a firm foundation, with a clear vision of God’s will, then it is time for us to carry it out. Thanks to the Lord, five years ago, after much prayer and seeking His guidance, God has clearly showed us four main visions and directions for expanding His kingdom: the Annex Rebuild, Langley Mandarin Ministry, Discipleship, and Church Planting. After these main directions had been confirmed, God further revealed to us the sequence of carrying out these four areas. First the Langley Mandarin Ministry (already completed), next the Annex Rebuild (which will be finished by the end of April next year), then Discipleship (we have entered into the stage of “Engage”, where all brothers and sisters are involved and engaged). So now it is time for BAC to start preparing for church planting. When God has equipped all of us as disciples, that is when we are able to spread the gospel and build up others as disciples, that is the best time for BAC to start church planting. Another criteria for the right time to church planting, is when the existing site of the church, can no longer be further expanded or developed. We strongly believe that in the near future, especially after the completion of the Annex Rebuild, the church will expand rapidly. As more and more high-rise will be built in the area, and with a foreseeable influx of immigrants, we expect a sizeable increase in attendance, and our existing site will no longer be able to accommodate all attendees. We hope that God will put this vision into all our hearts, so that we step out and participate in church planting as He calls us. We will expand God’s Kingdom together in the Tri-City area, so as to make room for the increasing new-comers who will come, and they will have an opportunity to come and know God. May God’s will be done!
其實,早於十多年前,當時的長議會亦有作出教會未來發展方向的討論。而植堂是本宣家一直以來擴展神國度的明確異象方向。而植堂的適當時間及地點,便是教會現時正在尋求的。所以,在過去的聯合祈禱會,會友大會與及不同語系的祈禱會等等,都不停地為植堂的事工及計劃祈禱,因為植堂是神的工作,不是本宣家的工作。本宣家只是按著神的心意,去發展及擴展神的國度。祈禱尋求,是在等候神的指引的時候,最重要的基礎。當基礎穩固,神心意明確,便是實踐的時候。感謝神,在五年多前,神在本宣家的弟兄姊妹一同禱告尋求後,神清楚明確地指引本宣家四個異象及發展神國的方向,就是附堂重建,蘭里市國語事工,門徒訓練及植堂。當大方向確定之後,神便更進一步地,指引本宣家在這四個異象方向上的先後次序。就是蘭里市國語事工(已完成),附堂重建(將於明年四月底完工),門徒訓練 (已進入鼓勵全民投入的階段)。而本宣家現時要開始作出預備的,就是 植堂。當神預備了本宣家的弟兄姊妹都被建立成為門徒,就是有能力傳福音及有能力建立門徒的時候,便是本宣家最有實力植堂的適當時候。在另一方面有關適合植堂的時間,就是當教會的原址,就是現在教會聚會的地方,再不能加建及發展的時候,便是植堂的合適時間。我們有信心,相信本宣家在不久的將來,特別是當附堂完工之後,教會的發展將會是快速的。因為教會鄰近興建了極多的高層大廈,加上不少的移民將會進到加國的格外機會,教會原址實在不足以應付,盼望神將這個異象放進我們心中,等待神的感動及呼召,願意出去(參予植堂),同心在三聯市擴展神國,讓教會的原址有足夠的空位接待這區的新鄰居,讓他們可以認識神。願神的旨意成就。