March 2025
Loran Tang, recruiter and training coordinator of Children Ministry
Let’s prepare our hearts in Lent
I always think Easter is a very underrated festival.
We all love Christmas. We celebrate Christmas with lights, parties, decorations, and reunions with great meals. However, what is the meaning of Christmas if there is no Easter!
Jesus’ resurrection is the very pillar of our faith. That’s the reason why I always prepare for Lent that leads us to the core of Christianity – Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.
There are many things we can do to prepare our hearts to welcome Easter. I highly encourage parents to prepare for Lent this year with their kids.
Lent is a 40-day season that starts from Ash Wednesday (March 5 this year) and ends on Holy Thursday. It brings us back to the 40 days that Jesus had spent in the wilderness before he started his ministry. In these 40 days, Jesus experienced hunger, tiredness, and loneliness as he prepared his path to the cross. After 40 days of testing and trial, he was tempted by Satan with food, power and glory. However, our Lord has put on an even stronger determination to give Himself up for God’s glory. For this reason, Christians are encouraged to give up something in the Lent season.
Prepare our hearts
And don’t forget, we have Good Friday programs (April 18) at 10 am for preschool kids (preschool program) and for K to Grade 6 kids (combined worship). We also have regular programs provided to all kids on Easter Sunday (April 20) to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection.
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