Some more reflections on Psalm 62: When the Psalmist waits in silence, what gets confirmed to him isn’t what God’s going to do for him, or it isn’t how God’s gonna answer his prayer requests. What the Psalmist discovers in the stillness of the soul before God is that he is able to see God more clearly for who he really is.

         A.W. Tozer once said ““What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. We tend by a secret law of the soul to move toward our mental image of God.”  

         What Tozer is saying is what we think about God affects how we respond to him and act towards him and, by extension, how we live. It reveals what our souls move towards when we think about God. For example, if we think of primarily of the love of God, we will tend to think he will only do good things for us or make us feel better. We might also tend to think of our relationship with God as mainly an emotional experience: “If I feel God that’s when I’m closest to him”. On the other hand, if we think of God as primarily our provider, we might approach him as the one who gives us what we need and what we want. A God who blesses us with good gifts and makes our lives more smooth and easy and happy.  

          But what comes to mind for the Psalmist? It is not that thinking primarily of the love of God or the provision of God is wrong, but they are not the things that are helping him get through this struggle he is facing in his life in that moment. What he discovers instead is that “He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress, I shall not be shaken.” 

           In his moments of seeking the Lord, of his soul waiting in silence, this is what he hears in verse 11: “Once God has spoken, twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God, and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love.”  

           In those moments when our world seems like it is about to fall apart, Psalm 62 teaches us to preach to ourselves just like the Psalmist did: “O my soul, wait in silence for God alone.” Trust in Him more than man. Trust in his wisdom more than your own. Trust in his power over our own strength. Trust in His love. Let him show you who He is, how great he is. Let him be your guide and confidence, your protection in times of danger.  



           陶恕要說明的是我們對神的看法會影響我們如何回應祂和對祂作出的行為,進而影響我們的生活形式。這表明了當我們想到上帝時,我們的心思就會朝著什麼方向發展。例如,如果我們首先想到神的愛,我們會傾向於認為祂只會為我們成就美事或讓我們感覺更美好。我們也可能傾向於認為我們與神的關係主要是一種情感的體驗 - 我感覺到神就是我與祂最親近的時候。另一方面,如果我們認為上帝主要是我們的供應者,我們靠近祂可能因為祂滿足我們所想所求,是一位以美物祝福我們的神,使我們的生活更加順暢、輕鬆和快樂。




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