Psalm 62 is a beautiful poem of trust and affirmation. The Psalmist seems to be undergoing some sort of attack from an unknown enemy. We do not know for certain what the nature of this attack is, however, it is believed that his enemy is either other people, physical illness, or it could be a combination of both.
Regardless, the main point to note is this Psalmist’s world is about to fall apart. He says he is like a leaning wall, a tottering fence. He has already been beaten down and he is one more blow from being toppled down.
Maybe some of you feel like this. You read this passage and you may think, “I know God is our salvation, I’ve heard this all before,” but maybe you feel like your present circumstances are really chipping away at your confidence in God.
This Psalmist is right there with you. Your struggles and your fears, things may be threatening you, everything you might experience during a time like this - the Psalmist is feeling it too. Yet somehow he is able to say, “God is my rock and my salvation.” How is he able to do that? How is he able to express His confidence in God even when he feels like his back is against the wall?
He remembers who God is.
He does not need to know HOW God is going to get him through his troubles. He just knows THAT God is going to get him through his troubles. He knows this because he discovers God’s character - who He is. In his seeking, in his silence, God shows him exactly what he needed to hear: that God is a rock, that all the power belongs to his God, and that his salvation is found only in Him.
His confidence came from knowing who His God is.
這位詩人就在你身旁。你的掙扎﹑你的恐懼﹑威脅你的事情,以至這一刻你所經歷的一切 - 詩人都感受得到。然而他卻能夠說:「上帝是我的磐石,是我的拯救。」即使他有四面楚歌的感覺,他怎麼能仍然做到這點?怎麼能仍然可以表達對神的信心?
他不需要知道神將如何幫助他度過難關,他只知道神會幫助他。他單單知道這一點因為他明瞭上帝的屬性 –神是誰。在他的尋求中,他的靜默時,神就將他需要聽到的說話告訴他:「神是力量的磐石,拯救唯獨從祂而來。」
他的信心源於他的認知 - 上帝是誰。