The key focus of BAC this year is DiscipleSHIFT : Explore.
The Cantonese ministry has been building up a new ministry structure. One of the key is in exploring the “Blessing Group Ministry”. It is a philosophy of ministry that focuses on evangelism as the main thrust of the church.
The emphasis is on equipping every member of the congregation to engage in evangelism in a team setting. Regardless of how long one has been a Christian, they will have a place and role in this.
It properly integrates outreach as part of fellowship, thereby mobilizing all to practice and experience of the joy of sharing the gospel and bringing someone to Christ!
Currently we are in the exploration stage. A pilot group of 40 brothers and sisters have been trying out this new model during these past 9 months. The Lord has amazingly prepared for us a team from three generations: a group of students, a group of parents, and a group of mature adults in their golden miles (approaching or currently retired). Despite the pandemic, the pilot group continued on in their learning and fellowshipping. Our Lord is amazing and we can feel His Spirit is present and at work within us. My prayer is that in 2021, we shall expand this model to the whole congregation.
The Blessing Group ministry is integrated with discipleship and fellowship. I will explore these two aspects in subsequent weeks.
本宣家今年的事工重點是:建立門徒新導向 – 探索。
粵語部的事工正在建立一個新的事工模式,其中一個重點是探索幸福小組事工。這事工的主要理念,就是教會的主要動力應該是傳福音。這事工著重裝備信徒以團隊形式投入傳福音的工作。不管你已成為基督徒多久,在此總有你可以參與的一份。 它更把傳福音與團契整合起來,好讓每位弟兄姊妹都有機會操練,並且經歷與人分享福音、領人歸主的喜樂!
目前我們正處於探索的階段。在過去的九個月中,我們當中有四十位弟兄姊妹率先投身嘗試這個新的事工模式。奇妙地,神為我們預備的一個「三代同堂」的團隊,隊員包括有學生、有為人父母的、也有較成長的弟兄姊妹(將近或已經退休的)。他們一同學習,但按人生階段成為三個細胞小組. 在抗疫期間,這一隊先鋒隊的學習和小組分享並沒有停下來;我們可以感受到聖靈的同在同工,我們的主是奇妙的。我祈求在2021年我們可以向整個會眾推展這個事工模式。
幸福小組是一個結合了門訓和團契的事工,在未來的數週我會繼續在這兩方面分享 。