The Advent season is a time for anticipating and eager waiting.

       During the time of the prophets, Israel was eagerly waiting for a Messiah, a chosen one who would set them free and give them rest.

      What is freedom for you? What does it mean to be truly free? Some of us think of freedom as financial freedom. Others might think of freedom from suffering or sickness. Still others might think of freedom as the right to choose how we want to live.

      Whatever your idea of freedom is, Scripture tells us that Israel was longing for someone to come and give them true freedom. It is no different for us today. We are still looking for it.

      We need to discover that true freedom comes only when we are set free from our sins and our fears. Only Jesus can do that. What do you fear most? What are your deepest fears? Could it be possible that your greatest fears are intertwined with the areas in which you trust God the least? Sin and fear go hand in hand.

      The problem with all of our own ideas of freedom is that they are fleeting. They will never last. But the freedom Jesus came to give - a freedom from fear and sin - that is what is going to last. John 8:36 says “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” Then it says in Romans 8:2, “for in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life has set you free for the law of sin and death."

      So not only are we set free from sin and fear, we are set free to live a more abundant and more fully human life.

      Do you want to find true freedom? What are your fears? Where in your life do you fail to trust? The Advent season reminds us that Jesus comes to free us from that, so we eagerly wait for the day when we can live fully in his freedom.






        然而,問題是我們所有關於自由的看法都是短暫而不能恆久。但是主耶穌來到世上所給予的自由 - 是從恐懼和罪惡中釋放出來的自由,卻是存到永遠。約翰福音八章卅六節說:「所以天父的兒子若叫你們自由,你們就真自由了。」羅馬書八章二節再說:「因為賜生命聖靈的律在基督耶穌裡釋放了你,使你脫離罪和死的律了。」

