Continued Reflections on Rest
Changing our identities from a master to a servant position is always easier said than done, because our old habits an old self are not easily changed. This is what the author of Hebrews has emphasized when he wrote “make every effort to enter that rest” (Heb. 4:11). It is also what Jesus said in the book of Matthew “…learn from me” (Mt. 11:29).
We often feel discouraged when we talk about following Jesus’ example, because He is so perfect and so abundant, who can really imitate Him? The burden of learning from Jesus seems far heavier than the one we laid down! Don’t be afraid, Jesus knows us well, He knows where we are and how much we can bear. He has shown us the way out: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, …” (Mt. 11:29)
What a servant needs to learn, is to be meek and humble in front of his master; just like Jesus was sent by the Father into the world in meekness and humility (Phil 2:6-8). If we are not sure where to start to learn from Jesus, then start learning from His gentleness and humility.
From my experience, I have learned a little about meekness and humility. First, meekness and humility are not about knowledge. They have more to do with “attitude”. We cannot rely merely on “comprehension” to learn an “attitude”. It’s similar to learning kung-fu, which can only be mastered by constant practice. When we say, ‘we learn from experience.’ We often mean gain in knowledge, which has less to do with improving attitude. Contrarily, knowledge may induce arrogance. To develop meekness and humility, it is the attitude we need to work on. Moses was known as “…a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth.” (Num. 12:3) He did not leave behind any instruction to teach people how to be humble. What we read about were the ways he handled numerous difficult situations. Most of them left him broken-hearted, lonely, and aggrieved. Yet all these were aimed to transform his old habits and old-self. Although Moses had complained to God about his burden being too heavy, he was still considered a faithful servant. God’s comment on Moses was “But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house.” Numbers 12:7
Jesus has invited us to enter into His rest. This rest is revolutionarily different. We enter, in the midst of labor, by learning Jesus’ meekness and humility -- “…and you will find rest for your souls.”
3. 學習做個僕人。僕人要學的,是對他的主人柔和謙卑;正如耶穌心存柔和謙卑,受父的差遣到世間來。如果我們不曉得從那裏開始學習耶穌,那就從柔和謙卑開始。
以下是我學習柔和謙卑的一點心得。首先,柔和謙卑不是一門學問,因為它與學問無關,它是「態度」。我們不能靠「理解」去學會「態度」。它倒是一門「功夫」,是靠鍛鍊和累計而成。我們每一次面對處理人或事的問題,都是鍛鍊柔和謙卑的好機會。我們所說的「經一事,長一智」,不過是些處事流程學問,對該受鍛鍊的態度卻毫無助益;除非,我們的老習慣、老自我,在過程中受到教訓或破碎。摩西被譽「爲人極其謙和,勝過世上的衆人。」然而他沒有留下任何指教人謙和的學問或祕訣。他給我們看見的,是他處理過的一樁樁人事問題。這些人事問題大多使他心碎、寂寞,被攻擊、受委屈等等;每樣都針對他的老習慣、老自我。爲此,他曾向神埋怨,但始終堅持他僕人的崗位。神給他的評語是「我的僕人摩西不是這樣;他是在我全家盡忠的。」民數記 12:7