Peer Support Group

        In the life of the church, we need to worship together, grow together, fellowship together, and share the gospel together. These are all positive, forward looking aspects, but we cannot overlook one important aspect – healing of deeper wounds.

        As I shared before, every ministry format has its strengths and limitations. We realize that a cell group is great for growing deeper together, but what if there are specific topics and areas in our life that needs special focus?

        That is why we have started a “Peer Support Group” ministry. It is not like our regular fellowships or small groups, but it is a “Shelter for the Heart”. During flu season, we would go to the clinic for a flu shot to keep us healthy. Similarly, along with good days, there are bad days in life, which can be overwhelming at times. Our “Peer support Group” acts as a vaccine for the various trials and challenges we face. It tackles each issue with biblically based knowledge and technique, in the context of small group sharing and care, aiming to keep us healthy in our heart and mind.

        A peer Support group consists of up to 4 people in a newly formed group, they will focus on a specific topic of choice, such as anxiety, anger, loneliness, parenting teens, and having a healthy self-image. For each topic, bible-based material is provided for reading, reflection, and life sharing, a certified facilitator will guide the discussion in a structured format in ministering to one another. The group may dissolve after each topic.

        Due to COVID restrictions, the promotion and formation of groups for this ministry was delayed till June. After the first group started in July, there are now 8 groups running with different topics. We now have a total of 23 certified group facilitators and 20 active group participants.

        After completing a cycle of the Peer Support group, an accomplished business woman shared that she discovered the reason behind the fear which bothered her a lot during her career life. Furthermore, this realization brought freedom in breaking through her bondage.


      在教會的生活中,我們需要一起敬拜,一起成長,一起團契,一起分享福音。這些都是積極﹑向前展望的方面,但我們不能忽視一個重要方面就是 – 深層傷痛的醫治。






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