August 2024
Loran Tang, recruiter and training coordinator of Children Ministry 

Be a mentor in Awana!!

As we are entering the month of August, our team is busy with the summer programs but also the preparation of regular programs such as Awana to come back in fall.

In the coming September, we will be welcoming about over 80 kids in Awana. With dynamic components such as games, counseling and worship time, our kids learn in fun interactions. We never doubt the popularity of Awana. However, have you ever wondered what it takes to run Awana every Saturday night?

We have Auntie Flora as our commander for more than 20 years. A great applause to her faithful and solid support for Awana all these years. In addition to the directors for Cubbies, Sparks, T&T Boys and Girls respectively, we have over 30 Leaders In Training (LITs) for Sparks and T&T Boys and Girls on average.

Awana is a program designed to build up kids’ biblical knowledge and encourage them to walk with God in a systematic learning way. But BAC Children’s Ministry has gone extra miles by recruiting kids who graduated from T&T to our LIT team in order to offer them a place that they belong to and a platform that they can serve. In other words, BAC’s Awana is a place to train both clubbers and LITs.

With this vision in our minds, Flora and Cheryl will provide training to the LITs as Awana kicks off. We want to equip them and make them understand the purposes and proper ways of serving.

In order to fulfill our ambitions, we are inviting adult helpers to join Awana. Why adult helpers? Because:

  • You can offer a more stable and reliable support to the clubbers with your richer life experience and maturity;
  • You can supervise the kids’ behavior and safety;
  • You can offer our clubbers personalized mentorship and support in book counseling time;
  • You can be a role model for clubbers and LITs as well

Put it in a nutshell, adult helpers are mentors for the kids and LITs in Awana. Without your “life demonstrations” to the LITs, our training would not be complete.

Like all other battles, Awana also takes a huge army and meticulous preparation to fight. There are many who have faithfully sacrificed their Saturday nights to help your kids to learn and grow in Christ. Will you now also step up to join the army in mentoring and guiding them to God?

To join Awana army, you can contact anyone of us:

Flora, BAC Awana Commander Team Lead:

Cheryl, Director of Children’s Ministry:

Loran, Recruiter and Training Coordinator of Children’s Ministry:

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